I'm 11 days overdue. This is not unusual for me, but it doesn't make the waiting much easier. I've cleaned the house multiple times, scrubbed baseboards, organized her clothes and diapers, finished knitting projects, and answered a million "is it baby time yet?" phone calls. I'm running out of things to keep me distracted.
yesterday. 41 weeks + 3 days.
I finished another
Pebble vest for baby girl. I actually finished knitting it a couple months ago, but left the ends poking out and forgot to add buttons. I finally completed it the other day and then worked some more on this kicking bag. I had been hoarding this lavender colored yarn for years, it's a soy/cotton blend and so, SO soft. It's a nice knit for watching Scandal (which I am still crying over because next week is the season finale) and great for doing
something when I feel like doing nothing.
While I patiently (or unpatiently) wait for baby to arrive, the other two are really finding their own. Penelope has taken a huge interest in golf which has made Bruce the happiest man on Earth. She had little interest before and all of a sudden she can hold a club correctly, hit the ball and get it off the ground. Hank loves being outside and digging in the dirt, thankfully it's warm enough to do it almost every day now.
The redbuds and stinky trees have bloomed. I call them stinky trees, but I'm almost positive they're Bradford Pears, but they smell terrible if you get too close. We have this redbud in our front yard and it makes me incredibly happy to look at every single day. But now they're slowly starting to loose their blooms and grow leaves. And my baby still isn't here. My spring baby! I'm thinking she is just waiting for summer to show up. Sigh. Back to waiting..