

It looks like Spring is creeping up on us. I'd like to say it's here, but in Oklahoma we're almost sure to get another big freeze before April. But right now, it's balmy, rainy, and the day's high is supposed to reach 60. It just feels like spring around here. We've been spending more days outside than inside, and I am so thankful for that.

Penelope will be 18 months old at the end of March, an entire year and a half old. She is learning so much on a day to day basis, it's amazing watching her turn into her own person. She knows where her belly is, her head, her feet, and her nose. She has started really trying to form words, which has given her some difficulty up to this point. I'm trying to work with her on learning signs hoping she will find an interest in them and catch on. It's the greatest gift watching her grow.